Tag Archives: PaperPie Party


PaperPie April 2024 Host Specials

PaperPie April 2024 Host Specials

PaperPie April 2024 Host Specials

I just want to take a quick moment and share with you our Host Specials for April 2024!

If you’re interested in hosting a party, simply click on the following link to get your party scheduled!

Let’s Par-Tay!! ~ Schedule PaperPie Party

Prefer to simply collect orders using our catalog and share our great books with friends? Let me know!

Questions? I’m here to help!!

Happy Reading!!


PaperPie March 2024 Host Specials

PaperPie March 2024 Host

PaperPie March 2024 Host Specials

I just want to take a quick moment and share with you our Host Specials for March 2024!

If you’re interested in hosting a party, simply click on the following link to get your party scheduled!

Let’s Par-Tay!! ~ http://www.BarnyardBook.com/Host/Schedule

Prefer to simply collect orders using our catalog and share our great books with friends? Let me know!

Questions? Let me know! I’m here to help!!

Happy Reading!!